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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Official Rock Band 2 web site launches

You've scoped out the new instruments, you've memorized the track list, new you can explore around the official web site for Rock Band 2. A quick perusal of the site reveals no real new information, but there is a nice high-res trailer for the game as well as some cool wallpapers and such to download.

Interesting, the site links two two separate retailers for "official" pre-orders: One from Gamestop which lists the Xbox 360 special edition bundle at $189.99 and one from Amazon that lists it at $199.99. Gamestop also list a PS2 version at a discounted $179.99. A true rock star probably wouldn't care about these minor discrepancies, but for a struggling garage band, those are spare dollars that could go to cheetos and gas for the van.

Official Rock Band 2 web site launches - Joystiq

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