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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Team Fortress 2 Heavy Update: Arena Mode Detailed, Coming with Five New & Retooled Maps

New details on Team Fortress 2's Arena mode have been unveiled, shedding light on the multiplayer shooter's newest gametype set to arrive with tomorrow's release of the Heavy class update.

According to the update's website, the gametype "keeps the class diversity of Team Fortress 2 while focusing goals around combat between two teams." Rounds are won by eliminating every member of an opposing team, or securing a map's central capture point, which becomes unlocked after 60 seconds of play.

Left, Arena map Lumberyard. Right, Ravine.

The gametype's debut is accompanied by five Arena-specific maps, including Lumberyard and Ravine, two maps built specifically for the mode. Moreover, three previously available TF2 maps—Well, Granary, and Badlands—have been remade to suit the mode's play style.

Arena rounds on these smaller maps feature shorter time limits, and are said to work well in both smaller, three-on-three skirmishes as well as full-scale 12-on-12 assaults.

As evidenced by the above screenshots, Lumberyard marks the first departure from TF2's familiar desert environs, taking the player to a new Alpine-themed backdrop.

The company stressed that it took "great care was taken to ensure the art style kept to the unique look and time period of the TF2 universe, while still feeling like a departure from the usual maps players are familiar with."

In addition to the new gameplay mode and above-mentioned additions, the Heavy class update will bring another new map, class-specific achievements and three new weapons for the Heavy, which include the K.G.B. and Natascha.

The final remaining weapon is expected to be unveiled alongside the update's release sometime tomorrow.

Team Fortress 2 Heavy Update: Arena Mode Detailed, Coming with Five New and Retooled Maps - Shacknews

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