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Monday, November 10, 2008

Sixth Annual Penny Arcade's Child's Play Charity Launches

Child's Play image"It's time to be amazing again people."

So says Penny Arcade's Mike "Gabe" Krahulik, in a post announcing the official launch of the 2008 Child's Play Charity. As in years past, gamers (and anyone with a generous heart) can head over to the Child's Play website, pick the children's hospital of their choice (from a list spanning six countries), and either purchase new videogames and toys from to be sent to the hospitals, or donate money directly via PayPal.

Started in 2003, Penny Arcade's Child's Play charity is now in its sixth year. In 2007 alone, it generated over $1.3 million dollars in toys and donations, and this year's charity is already off to a strong start with over $100,000 donated so far. In addition to the standard donations of toys, videogames, and cash, Penny Arcade will also once again host their annual charity dinner auction, which will be held in the Washington State Convention and Trade Center in Seattle on December 9. Additional details and ticket sales for the dinner will be made available within the next week.

Noting the harsh state of the economy, Krahulik went on to mention in his post that even the smallest donations can make a difference. "I wanted to make sure you knew that even giving a couple dollars to Child's Play helps out," he said. "Trust me when I tell you that it all adds up [...] You guys have never ceased to amaze me with your generosity and I'm sure 2008 will be no different."

Sixth Annual Penny Arcade's Child's Play Charity Launches

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