Firefox is a great browser, even in its unmodified, fresh-from-the-install form. If you're installing it for someone else and are trying to provide the most irritation-free experience you can, you might want to install a few of these addons.
AdBlock Plus - One of the most popular addons, and with good reason. AdBlock Plus is a great way to keep annoying ads out of your browser. Text ads can be a little tricky, so the developer has also created Element Hiding Helper to help you keep them in check.
DownThemAll - Downloading a gigantic file only to have it fail at 75% is a huge pain. Yes, Firefox's built-in downlad manager has the ability to resume transfers, but I've had much better luck with DTA.
Flashblock - Flash is great, but some sites just take it a little too far. I don't always want to hear the fan on my netbook whine when I'm surfing, and Flashblock gives me an easy way to smack down power-hungry Flash content.
Greasemonkey - I didn't bother with Greasemonkey for the longest time, but now it's one of the first addons I install. has so many scripts that fix bothersome little things on so many websites. You'll likely find enhancements and tweaks for many of your favorite sites there, and you'll need Greasemonkey to run them.
NoScript - Not only is Javascript sometimes an annoyance, but on untrusted sites it's a potential security risk. NoScript even helps protect you from nasty clickjacking attacks.
Session Manager - Firefox does a decent job restoring your tabs after an "unexpected close," but Session Manager is even better. It saves tabs, history, form and post data, and you can encrypt your session folder contents if you like.
TextAreaCache - This addon is what prompted me to put this list together. I kept hearing my wife yell at her FF install for going back one page and dumping all the text she'd typed in. TextAreaCache monitors input and tucks it away for safe keeping, and puts it back when you return to the page. If it can't do the auto thing, just click the status bar icon to bring up your Cache for easy copy and pasting.
If you blog or message in your browser, there are two quick about:config tweaks you might want to consider: disabling the quick find (apostrophe) key and disabling backspace as a back button. Both keys can be a royal pain when they activate while you're typing a lenghty post.
' Quick find disable: go to about:config, right click and choose new then choose boolean. Enter searchkeys.disable.all and set the value to true.
No Backspace-as-back-button: search for browser.backspace_action and set its value to 2 (or any number greated than 1)
7 addons and two tweaks for annoyance-free browsing with Firefox - Download Squad