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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Customizing Chromium with Userscripts gets way easier in nightly build

You won't notice this change in Google Chrome just yet, even if you're running the developer channel. But if you happen to be one of the intrepid souls who routinely download and roll the dice on Chromium nightly builds, you've now got a much easier way to install Userscripts.

In past releases, you had to manually save Userscripts into your Chromium (or Chrome) Userdata\Default folder. Not any more! Now, all you have to do is click on the .js download link for any Userscript. Once saved, Chromium automatically converts the script to a Chrome Extension.

Userscripts can then be disabled, re-enabled, and uninstalled just like any other extensions from Chromium's chrome://extensions page.

It's a simple (but welcome) progression. After all, Chrome's extensions are very similar to Userscripts and the conversion process is fairly simple (it can be done with a tiny Python script).

Now that they're easier to get installed, why not check out our previous list of 10 handy Userscripts which work on Chrome? You can find more at, but remember to avoid scripts which say they're made for Greasemonkey - they rarely (if ever) work properly in Chromium and Chrome.

[via Google OS]

Customizing Chromium with Userscripts gets way easier in nightly build