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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Steel velcro can support up to 35 tons

Steel velcro can support up to 35 tons

Regular velcro helps the slow and undexterous keep their shoes securely on. But steel velcro? Well, that stuff can support up to 35 tons of pressure.

Developed by German engineers, this new version of Velcro is dubbed Metaklett, and it can support 35 tons at temperatures up to 1472 degrees. It's made from "perforated steel strips 0.2 millimetres thick, one kind bristling with springy steel brushes and the other sporting jagged spikes." Sounds like a bit of overkill for sneakers, but I'm sure they've got some more serious uses in mind for this stuff.

Steel velcro can support up to 35 tons | DVICE

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