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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

DirecTV to deliver HDTV to your computer?


Watching HDTV on your computer isn't an easy thing to get setup, despite the obvious benefits as computer screens get larger and convergence becomes more of a reality. That might change, however, as soon as the DirecTV HDPC-20 hits store shelves.

This dual-tuner allows you to watch and record programming on your PC, allowing you to hook a computer up in your living room and use it as the most robust DVR ever. Other features aren't entirely clear, but it may be possible to stream recorded content from it to Windows Media Extender devices such as the Xbox 360. It would make setting up a home theatre PC much easier than it is now, but right now there's no release date and the product specs are sketchy. We'll keep our eyes on this one for you.

DVICE: DirecTV to deliver HDTV to your computer?

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