Harmonix web director Jeff Chausse posted some of the community features in store for RockBand.com. The web site will be getting a complete overhaul. Among the new features is an online photo creator that lets you do photo shoots with your virtual Rock Band 2 band and then use the pictures online. You can even link these photos to real-world merchandising to make poster, T-shirts, and stickers for your band. And if that weren't awesome dweeby enough, you can get action figures made from your band members "for about 70 bucks". If there's one way to convince your girlfriend that action figures aren't for losers, it's presenting her with an action figure of the chick she uses as her singer in Rock Band.
Pretty cool stuff. My guess is that Harmonix is feeling the pressure from the upcoming band customization features in Guitar Hero: World Tour. If you've ever messed around with a Tony Hawk character creator, you know what you're in store for when Neversoft's rock band comes out next month. It's going to make Rock Band 2's rock band customization look as limited as it really is. And it's another sign that music games are no longer just song lists, note charts, and fake instruments. There's a little RPG in here for a lot of us.
New features let you bring your Rock Band band into the real world | Fidgit