This is my personal blog being used as a news portal for another web site. News I find interesting will be posted here and then picked up via the RSS feed to use on another site. Please contact me with any questions.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Swype to make typing on a touchscreen faster and easier

When we all started texting on numerical pads, we needed a system to make it bearable. T9 texting, the system of predictive text that made tying on a number pad doable, revolutionized texting. And now the guy behind it, Cliff Kushler, is about to take writing on a touchscreen keyboard to the next level.

He's developed Swype, an amazing new system for writing on a touchscreen that allows you to keep your finger on the screen and simply move it around to the letters you want to hit. By doing so, the system can see exactly what word you're going for (even if you aren't precise), and you can write at up to 50 words per minute or faster. It's hard to understand just how awesome this is until you see it in action, so check out the video above. Let's bring this thing to the iPhone, and fast.

DVICE: Swype to make typing on a touchscreen faster and easier

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