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Friday, April 16, 2010

Microsoft FixIt Center beta fixes Windows 7 and Vista errors automatically

Just yesterday I wrote about FixWin, a free program which helps fix a number of Windows Vista and Windows 7 errors. It's a lot like Microsoft's web-based FixIt solutions. Today, there's another option and it comes straight from Microsoft.

Their new Fix It Center is a program you can download for free which provides automatic fixes for a wide range of bugs and annoyances. Choose the issue you need to fix, click run, and follow the prompts. The step-by-step instructions are very easy to understand -- even for your less-technical family and friends who typically rely on your expertise to correct these kinds of problems.

Loads of common errors can be fixed -- from broken Aero transparency to network adapter glitches to Windows Media Player library and DVD issues. There's even a system maintenance option which checks for broken shortcuts, date and time problems, disk volume errors, and more!

Once this baby is finalized, I'm pretty sure I'll be installing it on every system which lands on my workbench. Hey, if it means I can get my coworkers to tell customers 'run FixIt Center and click [...]' instead of doing a step-by-step walkthrough, it's worth it!

Fix It Center is a free download from Microsoft. It's a test release right now, but I didn't experience any crashes or strange behavior while testing.

As with other automated fix tools, I strongly recommend creating system restore points prior to running any of the repairs.

Microsoft FixIt Center beta fixes Windows 7 and Vista errors automatically

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