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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Trillian 4.2 Beta Detects Rickrolls, Adds Great Inline Replies

Trillian 4.2 Beta Detects Rickrolls, Adds Great Inline Replies

Windows: The extremely popular instant messaging application Trillian just released a new beta, adding direct replies to emails and tweets via notification popups, instant URL previews (you won't get duped by rickrolls or NSFW links), and more Wikipedia data for quick lookups.

Apart from those solid feature improvements, the new beta release has better Windows Live support, a great new history feature for browsing through sent and received images, improved skinning, and all-around faster setup. If you're already a Trillian fan and don't mind a few rough edges, kicking the tires on this beta release seems like a no-brainer.

Trillian 4.2 Beta is a free download for Windows. (Just be sure to skip the toolbar installation.)

Trillian 4.2 for Windows Public Beta: Upgraded Windows Live protocol, can detect Rickrolls. [Trillian Blog]

Trillian 4.2 Beta Detects Rickrolls, Adds Great Inline Replies - Instant Messengers - Lifehacker

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