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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Microsoft Xbox 360 Kicks PS3 Butt on Black Friday

Microsoft says Xbox 360 outsold PS3 3 to 1

The console wars are still raging even though all three of the top-tier consoles are getting older now. Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo are battling for the gamers dollars and Microsoft has claimed a victory over Sony for the all-important Black Friday shopping dollars.

Microsoft announced that the Xbox 360 had record-breaking sales over the Black Friday/Thanksgiving weekend. Microsoft giddily notes that the Xbox 360 outsold the PS3 by a margin of 3 to 1 and turned in a 25% increase from Xbox 360 Black Friday sales in 2007.

Microsoft says that it also saw record-breaking sales for its software with Xbox games like Gears of War 2, Fable II, and Lips turning in the highest game attach rate of any console at 8.1 games per console.

Microsoft Senior VP of Interactive Business Don Mattrick said in a statement, "We entered into the Black Friday sales period with cautious optimism, knowing that dollar for dollar, Xbox 360 offers more social entertainment value than any other console on the market. Record Black Friday sales in the U.S., coupled with our existing global install base of 25 million and an online community of more than 14 million Xbox LIVE members, have laid the groundwork for continued global sales momentum in 2009."

Microsoft claims that the Xbox 360 has outsold the PS3 week over week across Europe since the September price drop bringing the basic Xbox 360 system to $199.99 worldwide. The Jasper revision of the Xbox 360 was recently launched with revisions to make the console cooler among other things.

DailyTech - Microsoft Xbox 360 Kicks PS3 Butt on Black Friday

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