Imagine you open one of your gifts on Christmas, and you are elated to discover you've received a brand new digital camera. Or perhaps you already have a decent digital camera, and you bring it along to the family get-together. Either way, you invariably end up being "the person in charge of holiday pictures." Ars would like to give you some quick tips to get the best pictures with the least amount of hassle.
Though most modern DSLRs and point-and-shoot cameras have an impressive, if often overwhelming, array of settings and features, usually you can be safe using just a handful of settings that apply to your particular tastes in photography and ignore the rest. And, in many cases, the best solution is often a low-tech one.
When it comes to settings on your camera, usually some small adjustments to your flash settings can have a dramatic effect on your image. Photography is all about light, and the quality of light from the tiny built-in flash units in compacts and DSLRs is usually not very flattering. Try turning the flash off, and strive to use as much available light as possible. You can take pictures near a window for dramatic lighting, or turn on extra lights if you're indoors.
Typical flash settings, from left to right: auto flash, red-eye reduction,
force flash (always on), flash off, and "night portrait" or "night flash sync."
You can also use the "night flash sync" setting if your camera offers it (most current models do). This mode blends a flash exposure with a longer exposure to blend flash and natural light. The trick with both options is that you will typically have slower than usual shutter speeds, which can result in some blur. Taking advantage of the high-ISO settings of most newer digital cameras can help a lot here. Practicing holding steady and letting your subjects know to hold still can also help.
Most digital cameras offer special "scene modes," which will tweak the settings of the camera for certain picture taking situations but still give completely automatic operation. Using the "portrait mode" will give a much better rendition for shots of your family members and friends.
If you have a DSLR and an accessory flash unit that has a titling flash head, you can use a slightly more advanced technique called "bounce flash." Simply tilt the flash head up toward the ceiling at a 45–60° angle (the closer you are, the more steep the angle) and fire away. The flash will bounce off the ceiling, creating a large, soft light source. The indirect light is much more flattering than a flash that fires directly from the camera, and your camera's TTL flash system will take care of controlling the exposure.
Here the flash is bounced off the ceiling for softer light;
also note the tight composition.
Canon EOS Rebel, Tamron 28–75/2.8 zoom, Canon 420EX flash.
But the way to get the most improvement is a decidedly low-tech method: controlling your composition. All the technology in the world won't give you a better "photographic eye." A few simple tips, though, can give you much better results with minimal fuss.
The first advice I always give when people ask, "How can I take better pictures?" is to get closer. Zoom lenses can help, and by all means use them, but in most family settings there is no reason you can't just get closer. Even when you think you're close, try getting even closer. The single biggest mistake I often see in snapshots is that the subject only fills about 20 percent of the frame. Try and fill as much of the frame as possible with your subject. You'll be surprised how much more you'll like the pictures you take that way.
See how the faces fill most of the frame? This shot is outdoors, but mixes flash with ambient light, and background details are out of focus. The details don't distract but do provide context. Canon EOS 20D, Canon 17–40/4, Canon 580EX flash.
The second tip I can give is to move your subjects away from walls. Many people like their subjects up against a wall to use the wall as a neutral backdrop. It's not a bad idea, but putting your subjects right against a wall can create distracting shadows, and anything on the wall, like pictures, shelves, lights, even thermostats, will simply distract the eye from your subject. Moving the subject even a few feet away from the wall will usually cause such details to be out of focus, and thus less distracting. Combine with the first tip of getting closer to your subject, and the effect will be even better.
Here the natural light coming in a large window is used for lighting. Background details are there, but the subjects are far enough away that they don't distract. Canon PowerShot SD300, ISO 400, flash off.
The last tip I can suggest it to pay attention to the background. Try to eliminate any distracting elements or bright lights. Since it's the holidays, try to include elements that will easily place the subject in context, like a Christmas tree or other decorations. Like the previous hint, though, try to keep enough distance that background elements don't distract from the subject.
One of the nice things about digital photography is that it doesn't really cost anything to make mistakes. Don't be afraid to experiment a little, and try to take two or three shots of each subject. You can keep an eye on the LCD screen to see if your exposure is decent and if your composition is good. If not, go for another shot. Not every picture you take will be gallery quality, but you can delete the bad shots later, and no one will be the wiser.