Holy crap if this isn't amazing! I just discovered a website that knows exactly where you should live.
Simply stick in the addresses of all of the places that you and members of your family regularly go (grocery stores, work place, daycare, dog walking, strip club, whatever) and this awesome little machine will weight them appropriately and then tell you where exactly, within your town, you can live using the least amount of gas.
Now, it might not find you a place in the nicest neighborhood, or with the most appropriate median home values, but it will decrease your commute time. And, frankly, driving can be the worst part of many people's lives. I know, because I once had a gigantically evil commute, and was a worse person because of it.
This, combined with my favorite home-locating site, Walkscore, could definitely provide home-buyers with some much needed tools to determine whether that cheap 4-bedroom in the new suburb is really a better deal than the pricier 3-bedroom in town.
The application calculated that I should live on the railroad in the middle of an abandoned lumber mill. Which, actually, is surprisingly apt. The abandoned lumber mill is one of the most central locations in town, and developers are currently working to convert it into a densely built, green community.
Well done computer! I think I may move there...once there are houses.
This Computer Knows Where You Should Live | EcoGeek - Clean Technology