This is my personal blog being used as a news portal for another web site. News I find interesting will be posted here and then picked up via the RSS feed to use on another site. Please contact me with any questions.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Firefox 3.1 renamed Firefox 3.5

Firefox 3.0.7Mozilla has already delayed the release of Firefox 3.1 several times in order to work out all the kinks in the latest build of the popular web browser. Now the development team has decided that "3.1" doesn't adequately describe the significance of this the upcoming release, so the next major version of Firefox will be called Firefox 3.5.

Firefox 3.5 will include an improved JavaScript engine, new privacy features, changes to the way browser tabs are handled, and enhanced web standards compatibility.
The team plans to release at least one or two more beta versions before pushing out Firefox 3.5. And just to keep things interesting, the next beta will be called Firefox 3.1 Beta 3.

In related news, Mozilla pushed out a minor update to Firefox 3 this week. Version 3.0.7 includes several security and stability fixes. If you're running Firefox 3.0.6, you should be prompted to update automatically.

Firefox 3.1 renamed Firefox 3.5

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